মঙ্গলবার, ৪ মার্চ, ২০১৪

When and who need more water


In similar articles on our site, it was stated that the average person needs about 8 glasses of water per day. But that is just an average. Some people need more, and some people need less. However, there area also times when the body temporarily needs more water.
As we age, the balance between our need for water and our thirst for water shifts. In fact, the less water an older person drinks, the less thirsty they become, leaving them open to the risk of serious dehydration and other complications.
Water and-dry eyes skin
Many factors can cause dry eyes and skin, however, one of the most overlooked solutions is drinking water.  Dehydration is becoming more and more of a contributor to health issues today, with studies finding that everything from allergies to chronic fatigue may be linked to something we all have plenty of - drinking water.  Dryness included.
Babies are a special
Babies are a special group who need to be taken good care of, even when they are drinking water. Water is a kind of macro-nutrients. It is just inferior to oxygen on maintaining life and more important than food.
There has been much discussion over the past few years about the quality of the water we drink and the effects that this may have on our health.
High Blood Pressure and cholesterol. The number one killer in America is heart disease.  And, two huge health risks that can lead to serious heart conditions are high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  But, these can be prevented. 
water and weak immune systems
Contaminated water could be harmful to anyone, even more so for those with weakened immune systems. In fact, some organisms that could show up in water may be harmless to most, but deadly to others.
You've seen it. Even probably done it. Drinking bottled water, or filtered water from the refrigerator while your cat, dog or other pet's water bowl is filled from that, ugh, tap. Why should our furry (or scaly) companions drink lower quality water than us?
When the body is sick, most likely it also means dehydration. While many illnesses could be prevented by drinking adequate amounts of water, once ill it is even more crucial to get plenty of fluids. This is why when doctors prescribe medications, the pharmacist will add a note: Take with plenty of water.

Why pure water is necessary for health?

Whole house water filtration system can handle a much larger water flow than a filter sitting on your counter top. Some of the benefits of using a whole house filter is it can remove sediments as well as bad tastes and odors.
Sediments can cause havoc with your appliances, so hooking up a whole house filtration system can save a lot of wear and tear on your washer, dryer, hot water heater, and more.
Chlorine is removed from the water as it enters the water main, so it never enters the house itself. Chlorine can form chloroform gas from such everyday activities as taking a shower and flushing the toilet. Inhaling chloroform can lead to respiratory problems like bronchitis and asthma.
When showering, chloroform can be absorbed through the skin right into the bloodstream. Other dangerous chemicals can be taken into the body through unfiltered water as well that can lead to cancer and other health risks. Some of those chemicals that your home water filter will remove are volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), and trigonometrical (THMs).
Using a whole house water filtration system will give you bottled water quality water from every faucet in your house.
Your skin will feel softer after bathing because harmful chemicals are removed from the water, and you won’t be inhaling gaseous chemicals while showering or running the dish washer.
How Whole House Water Filtration Systems Work
A whole house filter consists of a main filter housing and at least one filter cartridge. Some companies suggest that you install two filter housings, so you can have two levels of filtration—one for larger bits of sediment, and the other for smaller particles, viruses, and chemicals.
Special filters can be added if you have problems of iron, bacteria, hydrogen sulfide, or other specific chemical in your water supply.
Whole house water systems can filter anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 gallons of water between filter changes.
A pressure release button will inform you when filter changes need to be made.
How many contaminants you have in your water and how much water is used will determine how long your filters will last.
Whole house water filtration systems work as a point-of-entry (POE) system. This means that the water is filtered on the main line, as it enters the house.
Every where that water is accessed inside, from sinks to toilets to appliances will have filtered water. Depending on the filters you choose, you can remove sediment, chemicals, minerals, bacteria, viruses, and bad tastes or odors.